Communications internationales
- H. Yahi, A. Meddour, X-ray diffraction study of nanostructured Cd1 – xCox, First International Conference on Innovative Materials and techniques (CIMT 12), November 12 – 13, 2012 Hammamet – Tunisia
- L. Mezhoudi and A. Meddour, Electronic Structure of Ni-Mn alloys, 3rd International Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry ISTC 2012, USTHB – Alger, Algérie, 14-17 Octobre 2012.
- L. Mezhoudi and A. Meddour, Électronique and Magnetic Structure of Ni-Mn-Al Alloys, 2ème Rencontre Francophone sur les Matériaux Isolants, RFMI’2, Université d’Oran, Algérie, 17-19 Décembre 2012.
- S. Chettibi, Y. Benguedouar, N. Keghouche, J. Belloni. « Structure Ni/TiO2 radiolytic nanoparticles » 2nd International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress 26 - 29 April 2012 Antalya, Turkey.
- S. Chettibi, F Seridi, N. Keghouche. « Radiation synthesis and morphology of supported nickel nano alloys. » 2nd International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress 26 - 29 April 2012 Antalya, Turkey
- Fatiha Serıdı, Sabah Chettıbı, Nassira Keghouche, Catherine Louıs. « The effect of Ce content on the Ni-Ce/Al2O3 catalyst structure » International Symposium on Catalysis and Speciality Chemicals ISCSC 2012 23-26 September 2012, Tlemcen, Algeria
- H. Yahi and A. Meddour, X-Ray powder Diffraction Study of Nanostructured CdS(1-x)Cox, , La Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables (CIER' 2013), Décembre 15-17 , 2013, Sousse- Tunisia
- N. Keghouche, S. Chettibi, Y. Benguedouar. ”The role of the preparation method of Ni/TiO2 catalysts on the metal-support interface” METECH 13 Turkey 11-14 sep 2013
- L. Mezhoudi and A. Meddour, Electronic and Magnetic Structure of Ni-rich Alloys, Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables, CIER’13, Sousse, Tunisie, 15-17 Décembre 2013.
- S. Chettibi, F Seridi, N. Keghouche. “preparation and structure of nickel nanoalloys supported on oxides”second euro-mediterranean meeting on fonctionalized materials EMM-FM 2013 hammamet (tunisia) march 24-28; 2013
- Fatiha Serıdı, Sabah Chettıbı, Nassira Keghouche. “structural study of Ni-Pt/Al2O3 catalysts”. second euro-mediterranean meeting on fonctionalized materials EMM-FM 2013 hammamet (tunisia) march 24-28; 2013
- C. Bourouis and A. Meddour, Half Metallicity and magnetism of Cd1-xFexS diluted magnetic semiconductors, 4 th International conference on superconductivity and magnetism, 27 th April 2014-2 th May 2014, Antalya-Turkey
- H. Yahi and A. Meddour, Structural and electronic properties of Zinc Blend ZnO , Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables (CIER' 2014), Décembre, 19-21, 2014, Monastir-Tunisia
- L. Mezhoudi and A. Meddour, Electronic and Magnetic Structure of Ni-rich alloys, Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables (CIER' 2013), Décembre 15-17, 2013, Monastir – Tunisia.
- Nassira Keghouche, Sabah Chettibi, Yamina Benguedouar, J. Belloni. « Structural and catalytic study of Ni /TiO2 nanoparticles » European conference on surface science ECOSS 30. 31 aout 01 septembre 2014 Antalya, Turkey.
- S. Chettibi, F Seridi, N. Keghouche. « Structural study of Ni-Ce/Al2O3 catalysts » 4thTunisian crystallographic meeting An International Conference november 2-5, 2014 Island Of Djerba. Tunisia
- F. Serıdı, A. Mahfoud, S. Chettıbı, N. Keghouche,. « synthesis and characterization of NiPt/CeO2 catalysts » 4thTunisian crystallographic meeting An International Conference november 2-5, 2014 Island Of Djerba. Tunisia
L. Mezhoudi and A. Meddour, Electronic and Magnetic properties of Ni rich ternary alloys Structure of Ni-rich alloys, 4 th International conference on superconductivity and magnetism, 27 th April 2014-2 th May 2014, Antalya-Turkey
YAHI Hakima and Meddour Athmane , First-principle calculations of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn1 –xCoxO Conference (Materiaux 2015) Mahdia 22_26 2015 .Tunisia www.tu-
SERIDI Fatiha and CHETTIBI Sabah Structural catalytic behavior of radiolytic catalysts supported on Al2O3 Conference (Materiaux 2015) Mahdia 22_26 2015.Tunisia
CHETTIBI Sabah and DOGHMANE MalikaPreparation and structure of Ni/mixed oxides nanoparticlesecoss31 European Conference on Surface Science.
YAHI Hakima. MEDDOUR Athmane
Cds doped vanadium for spintronic applications
(MATERIAUX 2016) conference held at Hammamet Tunisia 29 oct – 01 nov 2016
Structure nikel nanocatalysts suppested on Al2 O3
6th International Chemistry Conference
8-6 November 2016 Riyadh –Saudi Arabia
Preparation and structure of Ni/mixed oxides nanoparticles
6th International Chemistry Conference
8-6 November 2016 Riyadh –Saudi Arabia